The sun wake me up early in the morning (and also Alex´ call on his way to office) ... and I tiptoed through a nearly lonesome flat. Only "Der Mann aus dem Plattenladen" sat on the sofa, doing something with his apple.
Just took a cool powerade bottle from the fridge and went back to bed with my "sleeping mask" I get on my last flight to india.
And thats also a small hint for all other guest bloggers who will follow - better bring something to cover your eyes from early sunlight and some ear-plugs, better no normal "ohropax" but something for industrial work, the fridges are really loud ;-)
Get of again from plates clanging in the kitchen at eleven and everyone was awake and fit and of course on their laptops or ibooks or whatever.
Had two great games with erik at the XBox - as from now, please call me the "queen of ot not-avenged fouls"!
Seeing Berlin, Part I
Did some sightseeing with "Tazilein" and "Der Mann aus dem Plattenladen", or better call it "photo-tour". It was really funny to keep track on two guys who luxate their bodies for the best picture. You can see some of them on flickr in the next days.
Also we took a shortlook at the adidas-arena near "reichstag", but I was not interested in let all this security guys take a closer look at my bag or scanning my body for - whatever they are afraid of.
So better take a closer look to all nice things tourists love to visit when they are in Berlin, f.e. Reichstag, Reichstagsufer, Brandenburger Tor, Unter den Linden, Friedrichstr., Hackesche Höfe, Alexanderplatz, rotes Rathaus und Palast der Republik.
Vis a vis to the "lustgarden" (or "garden of pleasure", depending on which of the international tourist guides you want to believe) we took the bus back home.
Back home? Oh no, there was my invitiation for indian food in the evening and I get the tip to buy all my spices and indian stuff in a small shop "somewhere no men went before", near Kurfürstenstr. in the storage of a goods depot.
Spent some time in the kitchen, thanks to "Der Mann aus dem Plattenladen" for all his help in the hectical last hour and Lyssa and her nice friend for baking all the naan.
Everyone ate a lot, I´m still waiting for a "cook review" from the others right here in the blog. Lets see how much michelin stars I will earn ;-)
Of course there was football today, and we saw the game between brasil and ghana in every second bar we passed, and after dinner we all admired the last two french goals.
At the moment Tazilein and Gabe foreclose the game between germany and argentina at the XBox, but as we all know "wichtig ist aufm Platz".